As a corporation, SCA Ltd has an obligation to keep it’s members informed of what is happening in the organisation. All Board and General Meetings are open to the general membership (unless confidential matters are being discussed, which might lead to a meeting being held in camera), and the minutes of those meetings (minus confidential material) can be found here.
Board Meetings: Usually held once a month. Currently they are generally held on the first Monday of the month via electronic means. Contact the Secretary if you would like more information on attending a Board Meeting. Minutes of previous Board meetings are found here.
General Meetings: Usually, the only General Meeting is the Annual General Meeting held each year on Good Friday at Rowany Festival. On rare occasions, an Extraordinary General Meeting is called when there is business that must be decided by the membership, rather than the Board. Minutes of previous AGM and EGM are found here.
Officer Reports: Usually, all reports are contained in the minutes. Occasionally, an officer will provide a written report which constitutes an appendix to the minutes. When that happens, those reports can be found here.