Joining the SCA

If you are in Australia and you wish to join the SCA:

* Last updated 31 January 2020

For further details about contacting the current Registrar, see here.

If you live in New Zealand, you should go to the SCANZ website to get a membership form or join online. If you live in the US, or anywhere else in the world other than Australia or New Zealand, then you need to visit the US-based SCA Inc website.

Requirements for proof of membership and indemnity for events in Australia can be found here.

Our mutual affiliation agreements mean that your SCA Ltd membership card will be recognised wherever you travel in the SCA Known World.

If you wish to use metal weapons in Victoria, you also need to complete the Application for SCA Ltd Weapons Exemption within Victoria (postal submission only).

Types of Membership

There are two main classes of membership available: Full Memberships and Event Memberships, which confer different privileges.

Note that only Full Memberships provide full rights to participation in the Society, including voting, entering Crown Tournaments, running events or holding an office. If you travel, Full Memberships also give you affiliate membership status with SCA groups overseas, e.g. in New Zealand, the US and Europe. Subscribing Memberships can be bought for up to five years.

Event Insurance is for all non-members attending SCA events or activities in Australia. It costs $10 per adult and $5 per minor per event and lasts for the duration of an event or activity, even if it spans more than one day.

Membership Communications

Pegasus is the monthly newsletter for the Kingdom of Lochac. It is available to members either as a mailed print publication, or as e-Pegasus — a PDF file which you can download from our website.

If you are a current member, visit the SCA Ltd Membership Services website and log in to obtain copies of e-Pegasus. If it is your first visit, you will be given an opportunity to request a password.

Mailing Lists
There are numerous mailing lists used to support communications between members of the SCA — local, regional and Kingdom-wide. Use the following resources to find out more.