From time to time SCA Ltd, in conjunction with the Kingdom of Lochac, undertakes projects intended to benefit the membership. If you have an idea for a suitable project, please contact the Secretary.

*Kingdom of Lochac Communications Review*

The Kingdom of Lochac (Lochac) within the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) comprises several key organisational structures, including the Crown, the Peerage Orders, the Offices, and the set of landed Barons and Baronesses, supported by the SCA Australia (SCA Ltd) Board and SCA New Zealand (SCANZ) Committee.

Each of these groups has, to a greater or lesser degree, its own internal communications processes and methods of retaining and documenting its own corporate memory, including related documentation and key decisions.

This project aims to explore the current approaches to communication within and between the organisational structures to highlight potential gaps in process.

July to October 2009: TARGET:1000 — Membership Promotion — Completed

Target 1000 Results

The Membership of the Kingdom of Lochac has passed the 1000 mark – more than 1016 in fact at the last count that we have, which represents more than 15% growth in just over three months.

We would like to announce the winners of the Target:1000 promotion.

The 1000th New Member was Karl Kloppenborg of the Shire of Borderscros. He has won a 5 year Membership and the Shire of Borderscros has won $A500.

The Branch with the highest growth over the promotion period was the Barony of Aneala including two cantons with 20 new members. Aneala also wins $A500.

It is very heartening to see the kingdom grow to such a healthy number.

Gilchrist Morgan (Andrew Ross-Gowan)
Chairman SCAA Ltd

Lowrens Wilyamson (Scott Campbell)
Chairman SCANZ Inc