Changes to the Constitution for comment

Greetings unto the Populace,
The Board regularly reviews policies every two years, and as such we have done so with the constitution, the changes that have been made to the constitution means that this will be a new constitution.  We are putting this draft version of the Constitution along with an Explanation of changes out to the Populace for comments, all comments can be sent to the Secretary via email to Comments will close on 31 December 2013.  The final product after hearing comments and changing appropriately will be published for voting before the AGM held at Festival.
Laurence Cooke/Paidin MacLorkan
SCA Ltd. Secretary

New Board members

The Board of SCA Ltd. wish to welcome Sláine inghean Uí Ruadháin (Sandra Watkins) to the board.  We would also like to thank her for taking on the role of treasurer after Margarita Deniskaia (Margaret Sleigh) had to step down.

Laurence Cooke (Paidin MacLorkan)
SCA Ltd. Secretary


Thank you

It is with a heavy heart that the board of SCA Ltd. say farewell to Margarita Deniskaia (Margaret Sleigh) as the treasurer of the SCA Ltd.  We wish you good health for the future and we thank you for all the hard work that you have done.

Laurence Cooke (Paidin MacLorkan)
SCA Ltd. Secretary

Assets Policy

The Board of SCA Ltd have adopted an Assets Policy which can be found with our other Policy Documents.  Any questions regarding this policy or any other policy can be directed to the Secretary.

Laurence Cooke
SCA Ltd. Secretary.

New Board Member

The Board of the SCA Ltd wish to welcome Lady Gabriella Borromei (Donna Page) from Stegby in Riverhaven (Qld) to the Board.
Laurence Cooke/Paidin MacLorkan
SCA Ltd. Secretary.